When I first made an appointment to see Dr. Wood I was pregnant with my third child and was experiencing more than normal back pain in my pregnancy . My back pain was also accompanied by trouble sleeping and headaches. I experienced relief after just one adjustment and with every adjustment I felt increasingly better and my headaches were eliminated completely. The Chiropractic care I received not only helped me to feel better, I also felt like it made me a better mommy to be free of the pain. I mentioned to Dr. Wood that my oldest son was having trouble with bed wetting, he felt like my son may be able to be helped with adjustments.
After being adjusted several times my son began to wake up when he needed to go to the bathroom and his bed wetting stopped. Now I take all of my children in for adjustments. I now truly believe that taking my children to get their adjustments is just as important as taking them to get their check ups at the dentist.